Supernova and Cosmology Workshop, Cooks Branch, TX, 2022
9:00 Nick Suntzeff Welcome. Update on CSP-II paper (short talk)
9:20 Chris Burns Type Ia SN colors and dust properties using CSP I+II (short talk)
9:40 Eric Hsiao Updates on CSP NIR spectroscopy (short talk)
10:00 Jing Lu Carnegie Supernova Project-II: Improved Near-Infrared
spectral templates for K-corrections
11:00 Robert Fisher Recent Progress on Multidimensional Hydrodynamical
Simulations of SNe Ia
2:00 Kevin Krisciunas Determining the Age of the Universe
3:00 Shuvo Uddin H0 and other Analysis from the Full CSP SN Ia Sample
4:00 Ben Shappee Hawai'i SN Flows
9:00 Max Stritzinger CSP and POISE studies of stripped envelope supernovae
10:00 James DerKacy SN 2021fxy: A Cousin to SN 2017erp with a Strong UV Resemblance
11:00 Jennifer Van Saders The Sun’s Magnetic Midlife Crisis
2:00 Abigail Polin [Ca II] emission in the nebular phase: what exactly can it tell us?
3:00 Eddie Baron Relationship of 02bo-like SNe to core normals (short talk)
3:20 Lauren Aldoroty CMAGIC Diagram Morphology (short talk)
3:40 Yaswant D. Early Light Curves of Type Ia SNe in the UV and Optical (short talk)
4:00 Xiaomeng Yan ICE: Independent Component Estimation of Spectrophotometric
Properties of Type Ia Supernovae
9:00 Peter Brown AGGIENOVA spectrophotometric templates
10:00 Peter Hoeflich Positron transport effects in SNe Ia
11:00 Lifan Wang Deep Learning and SNIa Spectra
The afternoon can be left open for smaller group discussions.