CSP II Meeting 2019, Pasadena, CA
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Place: 813 Santa Barbara St., Pasadena, CA 91101
Dates: Oct. 10-12, 2019
Confirmed Attendees:
Chris B.
Tony (Oct 10-11)
Chris A.
Scott (remote)
Priscila (remote)
Invited Attendees:
Abigail Polin (will give lunch talk at 12:15 pm on Friday, Oct. 11)
Ylva Götberg (to be confirmed)
Nick Konidaris (to be confirmed)
Decker French (to be confirmed)
Phil Cowperthwaite (to be confirmed)
Tom Holoien (to be confirmed)
Mark -- Talk: CSP status report [Thursday]
Chris A. & B. -- Talk: 13aa/17cbv paper
Melissa -- Talk: Status of SNe Ibc paper
Eddie -- Talk: Results from his summer student Anthony
Scott -- Talk: SN2013ai
Priscilla -- Talk: SN Ia i-band morphology [Friday]
Nidia -- Discussion: SNe Ia spectroscopy paper
Eric/Francisco -- Discussion: Details of the proposed 2-month campaign in March
Mark -- Discussion: Details of LCO proposal for 2 month campaign in March
Shuvo, Peter, Tony -- Talk + Discussion: Analysis of bolometric light curves
Shuvo -- Talk: Host galaxies
Nick -- Discussion: What we are doing? (placed in the context of the field)
Lluís -- Talk: Status of the IFS project; SNEMO
Chris A. -- Talk: State of the Super-C’s in CSP-I and II
Tony -- Talk: Early light curves of SNe
Thursday Schedule:
9:00 am CSP status report (Mark)
9:30 am 13aa/17cbv paper (Chris A. & B.)
10:30 am CSP Host Galaxies (Shuvo)
11:15 am Status of IFS Project; SNEMO (Lluís)
12:00 pm Lunch
1:15 pm Results from Eddie’s summer student Anthony (Eddie)
2:00 pm Status of SNe Ibc paper (Melissa)
2:45 pm Early Light Curves of SNe (Tony)
3:30 pm Bolometric Light Curves (Peter, Shuvo)
4:30 pm Discussion of SNe Ia spectroscopy paper* (Nidia)
Friday Schedule:
9:00 am SN Ia i-Band Morphology (Priscila)
9:45 am State of the Super-C’s in CSP-I and II (Chris A.)
10:30 am SN2013ai (Scott)
12:15 pm Carnegie Lunch Talk (Abigail Polin)
2:00 pm ALERCE (Francisco F.)
2:45 pm R2S2I (Nick K.)
3:30 pm Details of the proposed 2-month campaign in March* (Eric)
4:30 pm Details of LCO proposal for 2 month campaign in March* (Mark)
Saturday Schedule:
9:00 am What we are doing? (placed in the context of the field)* (Nick S.)
10:00 am CSP-III?* (all)