Swope + e2v CCD Reduction Manual
Adopted from
"No Botar" from Abdo and notes from Christa.
Updated on November 22, 2013 (Eric)
Updated on February 14, 2014 (Eric)
If observer did not run OBS_QUICK_SWO_NC_RED
If observer ran OBS_QUICK_SWO_NC_RED
Check images
ls fcd*fits > lfcd
View @lfcd
Check and comment on each science and standard image.
WCS solutions
- Check if WCS completed successfully (crval1 keyword is populated).
hsel fcd\*fits object filter crval1
- If pipeline WCS failed, rerun to make sure. This probably will not work either.
WCS_NC fcd0066c3.fits 100
- If pipeline WCS failed, run MKWCS interactively.
MKWCS fcd0066c3.fits /home/abdo/csp/mkwcs_swonc.par ra_deg dec_deg
- Try "trans" first. Click on circle, then star. Click on box on bottom left corner. Type "y".
- Try "rotate" second. Click on center, circle, then star.
- Try "scale" last.
- For details, see notes from Christa.
- Copy WCS to other filters.
COPYWCS fcd0066c3.fits l1 /home/abdo/csp/cpwcs_swonc.par
- If Matches=0, then try:
COPYWCS.old fcd0066c3.fits l1 /home/abdo/csp/cpwcs_swonc.par
Combine images
New catalog
- Check if something exists. Empty if that object does not exist yet!
SN_COORDS opt PTF13efe
- Create catalogue for this object using the V-band image. MKCAT creates a file called: fcd0094c3.fits.cat
MKCAT fcd0094c3.fits PTF13efe opt
- Check number of stars: if there are more than 30 stars edit the catalogue
- Use only the first 30 stars, 'comment out' the others (#>30) for now
- Add as first line with #0 the object!!
- Create a png file of that catalogue
fits2png_wCat fcd0094c3.fits 700 fcd0094c3.fits.cat PTF13efe
display fcd0094c3.fits.png
- Adjust the catalog such that the following are satisfied
- no (bright) star should be in a surrounding of about 15 arcsec of the SN
- stars should be distributed evenly over the image
- star to star distance should be larger than 3 arcsec
- Delete all stars you commented out before too
- Upload the cataloge
INSERT_COORDS fcd0094c3.fits.cat
- For more details, see notes from Christa
Finding chart
- Measure instrumental magnitude: MAGINS
- List all objects.
ls /csp21/data/*/*25_02_05.fits > lmag
- Remove non-CSP objects from lmag, but keep all standards (CSF??).
- Make a catalog of all objects (except standards) and their local sequences named catmag
SN_COORDS opt SN_name > catmag
SN_COORDS opt SN_name >> catmag
MAGINS @lmag catmag /csp21/data/CATALOGS/STDS.txt mags.txt
- Populate database.
MAGINS2DB mags.txt
- Determine zero points: MAGFIT1
- For nights with 4 or more standards, run MAGFIT1 per filter.
- Do test runs, in case of bad images.
- Make sure ZP dispersion limits < 0.04
MAGFIT1 2025-02-05 u sc SWO NC | grep ZP
MAGFIT1 2025-02-05 g sc SWO NC | grep ZP
MAGFIT1 2025-02-05 r sc SWO NC | grep ZP
MAGFIT1 2025-02-05 i sc SWO NC | grep ZP
MAGFIT1 2025-02-05 B sc SWO NC | grep ZP
MAGFIT1 2025-02-05 V sc SWO NC | grep ZP
- When done, copy to database.
MAGFIT1 2025-02-05 u db SWO NC
MAGFIT1 2025-02-05 g db SWO NC
MAGFIT1 2025-02-05 r db SWO NC
MAGFIT1 2025-02-05 i db SWO NC
MAGFIT1 2025-02-05 B db SWO NC
MAGFIT1 2025-02-05 V db SWO NC
- Local sequence mag: MAGLSEQ
- SN mag: MAGSN
Clean up
- Clean up after yourself.
rm -f ccd* bcd* lcd*